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How did I started Cooking

In all negative situations in life there is always a positive outcome.

With the start of 2020 and the news of CODVID everyones life changed in some way. For me, it meant that I started working from home which gave the opportunity to spend more time with my family.

Being at home with Santiago and Isabella every day required me to think every day what we were going to have for lunch and dinner. A huge challenge that I was not prepared for.

Isabella, My beautiful daughter is going to be two year old really soon and "Thank good" She is a great eater and we have always made sure that she had healthy food in all 3 meals.

At the beginning this was easy. Just making different broccoli, pumpkin, tomato or fruits purees.

I started by getting a catering company that will deliver everyday our food and it was really a good home made meal. The issue came when they started arriving with the food after lunch time and I had to resource to think of deliveries and spending more.

To be able to provide an understanding of the situation allow me to go back a little.... When I was little I enjoy the kitchen. I used to cook with my mom and learned a lot from her. I used to cook for my friends and enjoyed making every type of desserts.

This change when I moved from my mom house. A long story for another chapter... I stopped being interested on spending time in the kitchen. I will only spend time in the kitchen to cook for special occasions!!!

Cooking for every day was something that gave me anxiety... Not much for the cooking part but the idea of having to think what I was going to do...was a challenge. I had no imagination!!!

Now Isabella eats what we eat. So we had to start paying attention on what we where going to eat and ensuring that meal planning was a new routine in the household.

Talking to some of my friends and family of my challenge in the kitchen they recommended me to try the Instant Pot. They were telling me how easy it was to get a meal done and after so many conversations and questions I started myr research.

After finally, almost 3 weeks ago we made the decision of making the purchase based on 2 full weeks that we had completed with cooking 100% at home and not having any deliver. I was impressed... I was doing it!!

The day that I got my Instant Pot I was really excited to used it!!! Never imagine the transformation and the effect on me. I was a different person!!!

The Instapot Pot open a new world and a feeling that I never imagine I had on me (actually I did had it... but that is be part of that old story I mentioned before...)

Santiago encourage me every day and to I started getting interested in searching for recipes, reading them, studying and planning what was my next meal. This new feeling, the idea to organized my recipes and to consolidate all the information made me decide to start this webpage. An opportunity to share with my friends and family my recipes and the pictures of what I had cooked.

So here we are!!! A page in construction... each day adding a new recipe!!! ss

My Milestones

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